御風呂屋口御門絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 五)
Pictorial Map of the Gate Bath House Passageway (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)

御風呂屋口御門絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 五) / Pictorial Map of the Gate Bath House Passageway (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image
資料番号/Collection ID
文書類 / Document
小分類/Sub Category
Creation Date
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀


Collection ID
Object Name
Creation Date
1元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 image10200110-10200128元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
2元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 袋/Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji, Sack (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200110元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 袋
Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji, Sack (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀31.7cm x 15.5cm
3御書院遠侍部屋々々絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 壱)/Pictorial Map of the Rooms of the Outer Guards at Goshoin (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200111御書院遠侍部屋々々絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 壱)
Pictorial Map of the Rooms of the Outer Guards at Goshoin (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
4中奥御休息御小座鋪向絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 二)/Pictorial Map of the Sleeping Quarters and the Private Room in the Middle-Interior Section (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200112中奥御休息御小座鋪向絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 二)
Pictorial Map of the Sleeping Quarters and the Private Room in the Middle-Interior Section (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
5中奥御次向部屋々々絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 三)/Pictorial Map of the Auxiliary Rooms in the Middle-Interior Section (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200113中奥御次向部屋々々絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 三)
Pictorial Map of the Auxiliary Rooms in the Middle-Interior Section (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
6御納戸口御門絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 四)/Pictorial Map of the Gate at the Storage Passageway (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200114御納戸口御門絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 四)
Pictorial Map of the Gate at the Storage Passageway (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
7松御殿御化粧之間絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 六)/Pictorial Map of the Okeshonoma Room at the Matsugoten Palace (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200116松御殿御化粧之間絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 六)
Pictorial Map of the Okeshonoma Room at the Matsugoten Palace (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
8御鈴口御納戸向絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 七)/Pictorial Map of the Gate at the Bell Passageway (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200117御鈴口御納戸向絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 七)
Pictorial Map of the Gate at the Bell Passageway (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
9松御殿御膳所絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 八)/Pictorial Map of the Kitchen at the Matsugoten Palace (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200118松御殿御膳所絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 八)
Pictorial Map of the Kitchen at the Matsugoten Palace (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
10本寿院様御住居御祐筆間・呉服之間御広座鋪絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 九)/Pictorial Map of the Residence of Honjuin and the Interior Secretary, Tailoring, and Great Rooms (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200119本寿院様御住居御祐筆間・呉服之間御広座鋪絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 九)
Pictorial Map of the Residence of Honjuin and the Interior Secretary, Tailoring, and Great Rooms (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
11御広鋪御玄関并部屋々絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾)/Pictorial Map of the Administrative Center Entrance as well as Rooms (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200120御広鋪御玄関并部屋々絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾)
Pictorial Map of the Administrative Center Entrance as well as Rooms (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
12表御膳所絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾一)/Pictorial Map of the Kitchen in the Outer Section (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200121表御膳所絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾一)
Pictorial Map of the Kitchen in the Outer Section (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
13拾八部屋長局絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾二)/Pictorial Map of the Eighteen-Room Servants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200122拾八部屋長局絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾二)
Pictorial Map of the Eighteen-Room Servants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
14七部屋長局絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾三)/Pictorial Map of the Seven-Room Servants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200123七部屋長局絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾三)
Pictorial Map of the Seven-Room Servants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
15六部屋長局絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾四)/Pictorial Map of the Six-Room Servants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200124六部屋長局絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾四)
Pictorial Map of the Six-Room Servants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
16四部屋長局絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾五)/Pictorial Map of the Four-Room Servants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200125四部屋長局絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾五)
Pictorial Map of the Four-Room Servants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
17御半下部屋絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾六)/Pictorial Map of the Maidservants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200126御半下部屋絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾六)
Pictorial Map of the Maidservants’ Quarters (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
18御広鋪御長屋五茶腰掛絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾七)/Pictorial Map of the Administrative Center, Row House, and Five Teahouses with Seating (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200127御広鋪御長屋五茶腰掛絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾七)
Pictorial Map of the Administrative Center, Row House, and Five Teahouses with Seating (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀
19御多門造御土蔵絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾八)/Pictorial Map of Tamon Buildings on the Wall and Earthen Storehouse (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji) image10200128御多門造御土蔵絵図(元治度二ノ丸御表大奥共総切絵図 拾八)
Pictorial Map of Tamon Buildings on the Wall and Earthen Storehouse (Complete Divided Pictorial Map of the Outer and Great Interior Sections of the Ninomaru Palace in Genji)
江戸末期 元治元年 1864 19世紀